Games - Team Games


Target Practice

Equipment: Stone or balls of paper, chalk

A ladder or grid shape is marked on the ground and each square is given a number. Players take it in turns to throw a stone or ball so that it lands in square 1. When everyone has hit square one they move on to try to get square two. The team that reaches the 10th square first wins.

Russian Whispers

Equipment: None

Players are divided into equal teams and each team is split into two groups, one at each end of the playing area. One set are the senders the other are the receivers. The senders are given one minute to think of a 10 word message (different for each team). When Go is called the senders shout their messages to the receivers who must try to decipher the message. The time who gets the closest to the original message wins

Hop and Bash

Equipment: None

The players are divided into two teams and numbered. When a number is called the two players stand up and fold their arms. They must hop towards their opponent and try to push them over. The first player to put both feet down loses and a new number is called

Give the Dog a Bone

Equipment: Rope or stick

The players are divided into two teams and stand at opposite ends of the playing area. The 'bone' is placed in the middle. Each player in the team is given a number. When that number is called the two players try to grab the bone and make it back to their team. If the player with the bone is 'tagged' before they get to their team they do not score a point. Play continues until a set score or until everyone has had the same number of go's.

Non-stop Football

Equipment: Ball

The players are divided into two teams and stand at opposite ends of the playing area by their goal. One team kicks off by kicking the ball at the opponents target. The ball must be kicked while it is still moving and players take it in turns to kick the ball on each team. If the ball stops before being kicked a point is awarded to the other team. If a shot misses the goal then a point is awarded to the other team. The first team to score a set amount wins

Three Rope Tug

Equipment: Three short ropes, chalk

The players are divided into two teams and each player is given a number. Each team stands on one side of the room. A line is marked down the centre of the hall and the three ropes are spaced along the line. When a number is called the player rushes to their side of the line and tries to pull two out of the three ropes on to their side to score a point. Play continues and the team with the most points win.

Naval Combat

Equipment: Coloured Wool (to be worn on the arm), 6 cards marked "Destroyer", 4 cards marked "Submarine", 2 cards marked "Battleship"

This is best played with three or more teams. Each team is given a base which is their naval shipyard. Each player is allowed to take one card from their shipyard to take part in the combat. When they take a card, they also take a length of their teams coloured wool to tie round one arm. A combat area is marked off in the center of the field and combat may only take place within this area. Combat takes place in the following manner, a player will tag a player from an opposing team. Both players then compare their cards as follows:
A battleship takes a destroyer, a destroyer takes a submarine and a submarine takes a battleship. The losing player hands over his piece of wool to the winner and returns to his shipyard for a new piece of wool. Combat can only take place between two players who are each wearing a piece of wool. If both players have craft of equal status such as two submarines then it is an even match and there is no victor, they then have to go and challenge somebody else. A player can exchange ships only at his shipyard when they are getting a new piece of wool. The winning team is the one which has collected the most pieces of wool at the end of the game


Equipment: Deck of Cards

Each team is given a suit of cards from Ace to ten. The ten cards for each team are laid out at random, face down on a table in front of them. One at a time the players run up and turn over a card. If it is not the Ace then they turn it face down again and run back to their team and the next player has a go. When the ace is turned up they can lay it face up at the front of the table. The next card needed is the two and so on. Play continues until one team has all its cards turned face up in the correct order

Variations: Compass Skills Patience, use a set of cards with compass points printed on them. This time the players have to place the card at the correct compass position

"Who Turned Out the Lights?"

Equipment: Various Items, Plastic Bottles

The players are divided into teams. Give each team the same type and number of objects. Allocate each team a lane down the length of the hall across which they must lay out the obstacles. You could mark these lanes with chairs if you wished. When the teams have completed their task, line them up at one end of the hall and then get them to swap lanes with one of the other teams. This way if they have made the obstacle too easy then they will give this advantage away to another team. After allowing them a minute or two to look at the lane they are in, turn out the light and get them to walk down the lane to the other end. At the finish end of the hall, one of the leaders could flash a torch on and off at random to give them a bearing. Points are deducted from each team for the number of obstacles they have knocked over. The highest scoring team wins

Water Race

Equipment: Bucket of Water, Tablespoon, Plastic Cup

Form the players into teams. The players form parallel lines. The lead player of each line has a bucket of water next to him and a table spoon in his hand. At some distance (10 - 30 meters) from each line is a drinking cup sitting on the ground. The lead player gets a spoonful of water and quickly takes (walk or run) the water to the cup and dumps it in. The player then runs back to his line and hands the spoon to the next player in the line who is now the lead player. The former lead player goes to the end of the line. The whole process is repeated until one team fills it’s cup to overflowing

Submarines and Minefields

Equipment: Blindfolds

Players are divided into two teams. One team forms a line across the playing field, blindfolded and standing close enough together to touch hands. Each hand is a mine that will ’destroy’ a submarine (a member of the other team). The submarine team quietly tries to sneak along the line weaving in and out of the mines, (i.e. between their feet, or between two players). If a minefield team member uses one hand and hits a ship, that hand is out of play for the round, so later submarines may go through an unprotected area. When the whole team has tried to get through the teams change over. At the end of the game, the winning team is the one that managed to get the most ships through the minefield

Ballon Football

Equipment: Lots of balloons!

The players form into two teams and sit on the floor facing each other with their legs outstretched. A player from each team is chosen as a 'goalkeeper' and stands behind their team. The leader throws a balloon in and each team tries to knock it over the heads of the opposing team using only their hands. If the balloon touches the floor past the opposing team they score a point. The goalkeeper may move up and down and try to stop the balloon hitting the floor. Gradually introduce more and more balloons.

Defend the Castle

Equipment: Football

The players form into two teams, one team, the defenders, form a circle by holding hands and facing outwards. They are the castle. One of the castle may stand in the middle of the circle. The other team, the attackers, surround the fort and try to kick the football in the circle (either through the legs or over the head). The team member in the middle of the circle may catch it and stop it hitting the ground. Every time the ball touches the ground the attackers have captured the castle and the teams switch sides.

Bean Teams

Equipment: two buckets or pots, and as many bean bags as you have people.

Lay out the bean bags in a straight line, equispaced down the hall. Put one bucket at one end and the other at the other. Split the scouts / cubs / beavers into two teams, and number each team off 1 to whatever. Now call out the numbers. The member from each team with that number has to choose one bean bag and attempt to throw it into their assigned bucket. Bean bags thrown are NOT replaced, so that as the numbers go on there is less and less choice (and generally bean bags much further away!). Each potted bag counts 1 point.

I was trying to find a game where they had to take time to get it right, rather than rush. I also wanted to encourage the older ones to think about the younger ones who couldn't throw so far and to take the further bean bags when their turn came around. I don't know if I achieved that, but they all enjoyed it and asked for it again!

Submitted by: Stuart Reynolds
ABSL 1st Heycroft Beavers
Southend, Essex

Chineses Laundry

Equipment: Various

The players are divided into teams. Each team designates a runner. A leader will call for a certain item to be collected. The teams have to find that item as quickly as possible, and give it to the runner. Only the runner from each team may approach the leader. The first runner to bring the item to the leader scores a point for their team. Play continues until a set time limit, the highest scoring team wins

Variations:Do not just call for ’items’. Actions or abilities can also be asked for (e.g. whistle the national anthem, someone who can do a headstand etc.)

Cup Race

Equipment: Plastic Cups, Three Chairs

The players are divided into two teams and numbered. The two teams stand in a line facing each other. A chair is placed in between the teams, and at either end of the hall. Eight cups are placed on the centre chair. When a number is called, the player from each team with that number has to move the cups, one at a time, to their teams chair. The cups must be standing upright on the chair. The first person to get four cups on the chair and stand back in line scores a point for their team. The cups are left in position, and when the next number is called, the players have to move the cups from the end chairs to the centre chair, until they have four of their cups on the centre chair (yes, they may get a ’headstart’ if the previous person had not managed to get all four cups on their chair, it balances out in the long run though). Play continues until everyone has had a go. The highest scoring team wins

Speak and do the Opposite

Equipment: None

The players are split into teams. Each team sends a person to challenge a member of another team. The person challenging says something like “I am patting my head” but in fact they are rubbing their tummy. The person being challenged has to say in reply “I am rubbing my tummy” and at the same time be patting their head. If they fail to do it properly in a given time or get it the wrong way round, then the challenging team wins a point. Play continues for a set time. Highest scoring team wins

Crabs, Crows and Cranes

Equipment: None

The players are split into two teams, standing in two lines across the hall. Near each end of the hall a home line is marked for each team. One team are the crows, the other team are the cranes. When "cranes" are called, the cranes team must run to their home line without getting tagged by the crows team. Any player that is tagged must join the crows team. Similarly if "crows" is called the crows have to run and avoid being tagged. If "crabs" is called all players must stand still. Anyone that moves must join the opposing team. Play continues until one team has all the players.

Notes: You can have a lot of fun rolling your rrrrr's with this.Crrrrrrrrabs, Crrrrrrrows, Crrrrrranes

Snake Dodge

Equipment: Ball

Five or six players stand in a line, in the center of the circle formed by the rest of the players. Each player in the line puts his arms round the waist of the player in front. The object of the game is for the players around the circle to hit the player at the end of the line or snake, below the knees with the ball. The snake can move around inside the circle to make this more difficult. When the player at the back of the snake is struck by the ball, he leaves the snake and moves into the circle of throwers and the player who threw the ball, joins on as the front man of the snake. Play until a set time limit

Tail Grab

Equipment: Rope or Cloth 'tail' for each team

The players are split into teams. Each team stands in a line behind their team captain. Each player holds the belt or waist of the player in front. The last player has a tail tucked into their waist. When “Go!” is called, the team captains have to move around and try to get as many of the other teams tails as possible. Any teams that break their chain are disqualified. The winning team is the one with the most tails

One Step Forward

Equipment: Rugby ball

The players are divided into two teams. Each team stands at one end of a large field. Each member of the team is given a number and they take turns to kick the ball. The first team kick off by kicking the ball towards the opposite team as hard as possible. The other team try to stop the ball going too far by catching the ball. The first number in their team then kicks the ball back from the spot where it was stopped. If one of the players manages to catch the ball before it hits the ground they then get two kicks for their team instead of one. The object of the game is to get the ball past the back line of the opposing team. The team with the highest score after a set time period wins.

Crazy Rounders

Equipment: Rounders bat, ball, bases.

The players are divided into two teams, fielders and batters. The bowler and batter stand in line with each other as normal. A further base is marked out to one side of the batter at a certain distance (experiment to see which is the best distance). The batter has the best of three balls. They must run off to the side base and back to score a run. The other team try to get the ball and then sit cross legged behind the person with the ball before the batter can get back. If they manage this no run is scored. If the fielders actually catch the ball then one run is taken away from the batting team. The game continues for a set time and the team with the highest score wins.

Notes: Note that no one is ever 'out' in this game. The distance to the base is all important and should be fairly judged.

Circle Rounders

Equipment: Table tennis ball, bat, chalk

The players are divided into two teams, fielders and batters. The bases are marked with a chalk circle. Both teams stand in the fielding area with each player in their own small chalk circle. Each member of the batting team is given a number and they bat in order. The remaining of the batting team stand in a circle. The batter gets the best of three hits in which they must run and they must not stop at a base. The runner can be caught or bowled out as normal. The other members of the batting team may try to stop the fielders getting the ball by passing it to each other and stopping the ball. They must not keep the ball within their circle for more than 1 second.

Notes: If the batting team keep the ball in their circle for more than 1 second award a rounder to the other team.

Swedish Longball

Equipment: Ball, Bat, 'Markers'

The players are divided into two teams, fielders and batters. A field is laid out in a large rectangle with markers at the corners. The batting team sit outside the field in a line.The bowler stands near the middle of the field and throws underarm to the batter, standing at one end. The batter has three ’bowls’ in which to hit the ball. The player may run if they hit the ball, but they must run on the third go whether they have hit the ball or not. As soon as the player runs, the fielding team attempt to throw the ball at him to get him out. If the ball touches the batter he is out. The batter is also out if he runs outside the ’field’. The batter may stop at the other end of the field if they wish, but they only score a run if they can get back to the batting end (if they stop, they must wait until the ball is bowled again before they can run back). If the player makes it back, he may rejoin the line to bat again. Play continues until no one is left at the batting end to bat. When everyone is out, the teams switch positions and start again. Play continues for a set number of innings (fielding/batting turns). The highest scoring team wins

Notes: Fielders must not obstruct or touch the runners, only the ball hitting them can get them out


Equipment: Ball, Skittles (or plastic bottles/equivalent)

Play in two teams. Each team has their own set of skittles to aim at. They both stand at a determined distance and try to bowl the ball to knock over as many skittles as possible. No throwing of the ball is allowed. Each skittle knocked over scores 1 point. Play continues until each person in the team has had 2 bowls.

Variations: Play with a time limit. Play to a points limit


Equipment: Ball, Chairs, Hoops if available

Play in two teams. Each team has one member standing on a chair to be the ’basket’. The team has to try to throw the ball to the ’basket’ who is allowed to try to catch the ball. You cannot run with the ball. You may dribble the ball by bouncing it with one hand on the floor. As soon as you stop dribbling you must stand still and pass the ball. No contact is allowed between players, only for the ball or a foul will be given. A point is scored for each ’basket’. When the point is scored, the ’basket’ hands it to the opposing team so they can clear the ball.

Skittle Ball

Equipment: Ball, 2 or more Skittles, Chalk

Play in 2 teams. At each end of the hall a large square is drawn and a skittle placed in the middle of this square. Each team has to try to knock over the opposing teams skittle by throwing the ball. Each skittle knocked over scores 1 point. If anyone steps in either square a point is awarded to the other team. You cannot move when you have the ball, you must pass it. No contact is allowed between players. Play continues until a point/time limit.

Variations: Play with more than one skittle. Play with more than one ball


Equipment: Ball, Dividing line (rope, chalk etc.)

Play in two teams. Each team stands at one end of the hall separated by a rope or similar. The idea of the game is to throw the ball into the opposing half and hit one of their players. If the ball touches you before it hits the ground you are out. You cannot move with the ball, you must pass it. After the ball has hit the ground you may pick it up. Anyone crossing the line is out. Play continues until only one team is left in the game.

Variations: Play with more than one ball

Table Football

Equipment: Ball, tables

Play in teams. Each team stands behind their table which is placed like a goal on the ground. To begin with one player from each team stands in front touching the table. When the whistle goes these players rush to the ball in the middle and try to score by kicking the ball at an opposing table. Normal rules of football apply. If the ball hits your table, your current player goes off and a new one is brought on immediately. Play continues until only one team is left on the field

Variations: Play with more than two teams.Play with more than one ball. Play more than one player at a time.Play to a points/time limit

Crab Football

Equipment: Ball, Goals

Play in teams. Each team has to stay on the floor (i.e. on their bums or hands, no standing or crouching). Players (including goalies) may not use their hands, only their feet. Normal rules of football apply. If any player stands up he must spend a set time (few minutes) in a ’sin bin’ before he is allowed to rejoin

Volley Ball

Equipment: Ball, rope

Play in two teams. A rope is strung halfway across the hall at just over cub height, and the edge of the court marked (walls or chalk marks). The players attempt to get the ball to hit the floor in the opposing half. They may knock the ball over the ’net’ with their hands. Each player may only touch the ball once, and the team only has three shots to get the ball over the net. A ’shot’ is awarded if the opposing team infringes the rules, or misses, or if your team hit the opposing teams ground. You can only actually score a point though if it was your service when you scored the ’shot’, otherwise you simply gain the service. Service should be taken from the back of the court. Play to a set points limit.

Chair Hockey

Equipment: Hockey Sticks (or brooms), Ball (or puck), Chairs

The players are divided into two teams and numbered. The two teams sit along the side of the hall in a line. Each team is designated a chair placed at either end of the hall, and the sticks and ball are placed in the middle of the hall. When a number is called, the two players (one from each team) jump up and grab the sticks and attempt to hit the ball through the opposing teams chair. When a goal is scored the sticks are returned to the middle and the players sit down. Play then continues with other numbers. Play continues until all numbers are called. The highest scoring team wins

Variations: If you have more sticks, call 2 or 3 numbers at a time. Use more than one chair for a goal

Balloon Baseball

Equipment: Balloons, 'markers'

Players are divided into two teams. Each team designates a pitcher who pitches to his own team. Each batter gets two pitches to hit a balloon with his fist. If the balloon is hit, the fielding team tries to blow the balloon to the ground before the batter runs around the bases. If they do not, a run is scored. Play continues until everyone on the batting team has been ’up to bat’. Then the inning is over and teams switch places. The game continues for a specified number of innings


Equipment: Football, lots of tennis balls, chalk

Players are divided into two teams. A chalk line is drawn at each end of the hall so the lines are about 5m apart. Each team stands behind their chalk line and are given half the tennis balls. The football is placed in the middle. When the game starts each team tries to bombard the football with their tennis balls. If they manage to get the football over the opposing chalk line they score a point and play restarts. No team member must step over the line or touch the football.

Cops and Robbers

Equipment: Bean bag or similar

The players are divided into two equal teams and sit in a line on each side of the hall. Each player is given a number. One team is designated the cops, the other the robbers. A beanbag is placed in the middle of the hall. When their numbers are called, the cop must immediately begin to copy the robbers actions as though he was looking in a mirror. The cop must copy everything the robber does as best he can. The robbers intention is to grab the beanbag in the middle and race to his own side. However, as soon as the robber touches the beanbag the cop is allowed to try to catch him by touching him before he reaches his own side (IF he has already performed all the robbers actions, e.g. he cannot simply skip doing the handstand the robber just performed). If the robber makes it he scores a point, if the cop touches him first the cop’s team scores a point. Play until everyone has had a go, then swap which team are the cop’s and which team are the robber’s and repeat. Highest scoring team wins


Equipment: None

The players divide into two equal teams and sit in a line opposite each other, with their legs extended flat touching their opposite number’s legs forming the rungs of a ladder. The pairs are then all given a number. When their number is called they must jump up and run stepping over the legs towards one end of the hall. They touch that end, run back around the outside of the ’ladder’ to the other end, then run down the ladder stepping over each rung. The first of the pair to make it back to their position scores a point for their team

Notes: Players must keep their legs flat on the floor to avoid accidents

Variations: Call more than one number at a time!

City, Town, Country

Equipment: None

Players sit in two lines team A and Team B, each line numbered 1 to N. Player 1 in team A says to player number 1 in team B the name of a city, town or Country. We will suppose for example that he says ’GERMANY”. Player 1 in team B must now say a town city or country, beginning with the last letter of Germany. Let us suppose that he says “YORK”. Player 2 in team A now has to say a city, town or country beginning with the letter K. This goes on all the way down the line. If a player fails to give a correct answer or duplicates a previous answer, then a point is awarded to the other team. When the end of the line is reached play begins at player number 1 again

Rockets and Interceptors

Equipment: Bucket, Large number of Coloured Balls, Rope

This is played by two teams. The attacking team are called the rockets and the defending team are called the interceptors. The target area is marked off and the bucket or large tin is placed in the center. Only rockets are allowed to go inside the target area. Up to four interceptors are allowed to hover around the target area. The rockets have a base at which they pick up their warheads. Each rocket can carry only one warhead to the target area. If a rocket is tagged by an interceptor before going inside the target area, they must hand over their warhead and return to their base. 20 warhead units in the bucket or tin will destroy the interceptor target area. All the coloured balls count for 1 warhead unit. The five white balls are special multi warheads and count as 5 warhead units for each white ball. If the interceptor target area is not destroyed after 20 minutes then change over the teams so that everyone has a turn at attacking and defending

Notes: This game is best played where there is a bit of cover for hiding and creeping up on the target, or at night when visibility is reduced